
Analyzing challenges and opportunity of UK film industry

Abstract of Dissertation Topic

Film industry is very unique and one of the most popular industries all around the world. But still it also has lots of threats factors that also put impact at the performance of film industry. The major aim of this report was to identify those elements which could be treated as challenges or threats for the film industry. Along with that, structure of film industry has explained that consists of different sectors which aid to increase overall rare of return. Here in this report it has been found very articulately that film industry has their own public and they need not to worry form any kind of substitute products. Piracy is the only element which is required to be managed in painstaking manner along with the introduction of new technological development for the success of film industry. Similarly, internet is the imperative factor that create barrier in film industry as customers tend to prefer internet to access such as types of services. Furthermore, competition in the film industry is kept on increasing that forces management to bring modification in the current work scenario. Further, purposive sampling has been used in order to collect data from employees associated in film industry. With this, research aim can be achieved as the purposive sampling proves to be effective collect large amount of data. Along with that, both primary as well as secondary data have collected which provides detail information related to film industry. After the completion of dissertation, management has been suggested to cope up with Channing scenario by expansion industry in several other sectors like musical plays and sports. In addition to this, it has been suggested that people associated with film industry should be provided time to time training that aid to enhance their knowledge and skills.

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Entertainment is one of the factors which are untouched with economic recession and economic turndown. It has faced very less impact on its structure and its profitability ratio. The revenue generation capacity of entertainment sector is very huge as compare to other industries. It has given lots of growth and development support to the national economy. Without entertainment the world cannot imagine its existence. It could be any form or in any shape. The significance of this industry has been increased even in the era of globalization (Vogel, 2014). The common people are facing lots of stress and work pressure which is forcing them to explore some areas which can lower down their stress and burden. Entertainment is one of the sectors which is compatible to their expectations and is providing lots of options and alternatives to the society people. At world level the entertainment industry is so diverse but here in this report the special consideration has been given to the UK film industry.

Entertainment could be divided into various categories and film industry and its various components are one of the major elements of entertainment which fulfill the needs and wants of the customers. It is senseless to describe here that what is film industry and how it entertains but the scope of film industry is needed to be discussed (Townley, Beech and McKinlay, 2012). UK film industry is so huge and involves lots of people who are working in this industry. It provides employment to the various sections of the society and moreover provides international accreditations to the UK people. The impact of film industry is so enormous and it has affected the different sections of the society. Now other than these aspects the two factors here gains huge priority which could be treated as major advantages of film industry.

The contribution of film industry into the nation’s economy is remarkable. First of all it has provided employment and has raised the living standard of the country people which is quiet appreciable. Providing the support, through taxes and other revenues generation capacities, to the economy of UK is most significant aspect of this cited industry. Secondly film industry of any country is responsible to secure the culture of the nation and to promote the art and literature of country at international level could be referred as major liability of film industry (Street, 2009). UK film industry has also done remarkable job in same field and they have disseminate the culture of UK through their films and provide international accreditation to the art and literature of country’s people. Here the example of Sir Aurthor conan Doyle can be taken as his world class stories and book converted into visuals and has received international accreditation and appreciation. Further, film industry of UK is contribute towards economic growth by generating turnover of £9.1 bn in 2014. In this industry has contributed toward gross domestic of economic was £1.4 billion. Furthermore, during 2014/15 29 awarded was given to film industry. It consists of Best Actor award at Cannes 2014 Timothy Spall in Mr. Turner. At present UK film industry has got huge revenue from its latest movies like Jurassic world, Take That Live 2015 and Spy. The industry is continue gaining popularity that assists country to ensure its growth in term of employment. It facilitates to ensure overall development of people with the help of increasing their living standard (FACTS AND STATS, 2015). In addition to this, industry infrastructure is updating with updated technology that facilitates to cater need of different types of services users in an effectual manner. At percent , there are 5.3 average screen per site and in 2011 average seats per screen was 209.9. Furthermore, the annual box office revenue from film industry of UK was 1057.68 in 2014 which was 1082.10 in 2013. In addition to this, in comparison to 2013 industry was having 1099.10 dollar million revenue in 2012. It depicts that, currently industry is having losses (Creative Industries worth £8million an hour to UK economy, 2015). Other than this, the works movies launched in 2010 was The Last Airbender, Jack and Jill and Movie 43. Similarly, United Passions 2014 and Humshakals 2014.

Furthermore, total 200 domestic UK films were produced during 2011.In the same year industry has got $5.6bn at the global box office. Further, growth of industry was 10% in 2012 and also this growth ratio led to 1.68million job in UK. Also, UK film industry was at the top three places of box office in 2011 (UK film’s contribution to UK GDP over £4.6b, 2015). In the same year domestic (independent British films) generated 13% share of the total box office. In this regards, Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows were the highest grossing films of UK. In addition to this, film industry had £2.1 billion export in 2010 (The UK film industry is at a record high, 2015).

The literature can be promoted through this by making films on the books and novels and by converting the books content into the visuals which is more popular among the common people. It has great social impact at the society and inclined people to learn some new thing. International collaboration is the most unique feature of this industry. But there are certain elements which have been emerged as major threats for the film industry. It could impact the sustainability and popularity of the film industry (Grégoire, Barr and Shepherd, 2010). As the population is increasing and the scenario of the entertainment industry is changing completely. Lots of options are emerging in front of people where they can afford to choose various alternatives which can entertain them and provide identical fun (Brunet and Gornostaeva, 2006). Another factor is that these entertainment alternatives are cheaper than the film industry and it is ironical that it is more struggling than any other entertainment option and alternative. Therefore these are the aspects which are creating obstacles in front of film industry.

The research report has been constructed with a view of evaluating the various entertainment industrial factors which could be dangerous for the industry and can slow down their growth. Apart from this here it is to acknowledge that this study will focus on those dynamic factors as well which can be helpful for the film industry and can help in generating the more revenues. Those factors can work as opportunities for film industry but there is just firm requirement of identifying the opportunities. The whole emphasize has been given to the study of challenges and issues which can arise for film industry in near future and most importantly how the cited industry can overcome such challenges. On the basis of current research report the British movie industry can prepare their further strategies so that they can eradicate all the threats and prove their dominancy in the British market.

Rationale of dissertation

The present dissertation has been conducted to analyze different dynamic factors that impact the film industry. It is because film industry is gaining popularity with recent changes in the society as well as economy. Owing to this, economy of UK is getting benefits from film industry. It assist to provide employment to large number of people. However, in the present era, innovation are taking places to a great extent that switches customers towards substitute of film industry such as television and internet. Further, it is important to bring modification in the present work areas of film industry so as to ensure its survival with great profitability. In addition to this, it is the most effective segment of entertainment that aid to improve living standard of individual in the society. In this regards, focus has been laid on various dynamic factors that affect growth and performance of film industry of UK.

Aims: To analyze the dynamic factors that impacts the film industry: A case study of UK.


  • To assess various challenges faced by UK film industry.
  • To evaluate the structure of the UK film industry.
  • To evaluate manner in which film industry impact society at whole

Overview of Dissertation

This section of the study includes the overview of the chapters which are covered in the research for attaining the aim and objectives of the study in effective manner.

Chapter 1: Introduction: In first chapter of the report, a brief overview about the entertainment industry of UK is detailed and its contribution the economy of the country. It also depicts about the overview of the entire research. In addition to this the main components of the study are detailed that is the aim and objectives of study and the rationale behind conducting the research in film industry of UK.

Chapter 2: Literature Review: One of the significant parts of this study is literature review section which includes the reviews and findings of different authors and scholars regarding film industry. Researcher has reviewed about the influence of film industry on people of UK and what are the challenges which are faced by this industry. On the other side the level of competition in this sector is also detailed.

Chapter 3: Research Methodology: Research Methodology chapter details about the tools and techniques which are applied by the researcher to accomplish the aim and objectives of the research. Qualitative tools of research techniques are applied to analyze the factors which impacts on the film industry. Data was collected from both primary and secondary methods of data collection and it was analyzed with the help of thematic analysis, tool of qualitative analysis.

Chapter 4: Data Analysis: The data which was collected from the primary and secondary method of data collection was analyzed by using the qualitative technique of data analysis tool. Different themes were prepared on the basis of the information accessed from the respondents and on the basis of which they were analyzed in-depth manner.

Chapter 5: Conclusion and Recommendation: In the last chapter of the study, final conclusion on the basis of the data collected and literature review section is detailed about the film industry of UK and how it is influencing the society. Further on the basis of the study, some recommendations are detailed by the researcher for the development and improvement in the film industry of UK.

Chapter 2: Literature Review


As name suggest that the literature review is related to the analysis of various authors’ viewpoint about the related subject matter. The reason behind the existence of literature review is that it increases the reliability and integrity of any research and provides exact and accurate information. The literature review is very essential in order to enlightening the knowledge about the current content or topic (Supino and Borer, 2012). Without literature review none of the researcher can complete his research in appropriate and effective manner. Here in current scenario the major focus has been laid on the problems and issues which can create obstacles for film industry in near future and can affect their market share. The evaluation of all the possible factors has been discussed in this literature review and the opinion of different authors who has registered their belief, in the related filed, has been explained in very articulate manner.

Challenges for film industry

Above mentioned aspects like high rates of tickets and dissemination of vulgarity has emerged as major threats and challenges for this industry. It is enabling people to switch to another entertainment option which is much cheap and lucrative for them. In the condition of economic turndown this aspects can go against the film industry and they can refrain them for getting indulge into such fun activities. As there are lots of options which fulfill the demand and need of entertainment (Williams, Nicholas and Rowlands, 2010). Majorly there are three aspects which are creating lots of challenges and threats for the film industry. These factors are television, piracy and internet. It won’t be wrong to say that it has affected the profitability of this industry in adverse manner.

In the list of threats the television is on the priority and most worried factor of entertainment. Now a day the limitations of entertainment are not restricted to film industry. The television is also having lots of exposure and entertainment on the ground of providing fun and fulfilling the desires of users. Without entertainment none of the individual can survive and can’t even think to live his life (Zimerman, 2011). The key benefit which television is enjoying that, mostly it is easily accessible and available at most of the houses. The households can afford it very easily and there is no requirement of visiting somewhere else to meet out their fun requirements. Today television has variety of products which are quite entertaining and enjoyable. It can be critically evaluated that customers cannot access good quality of services at home. Owing to this, it becomes easy for film industry to attract customers with the help of good quality of services. However, for this purpose pricing strategies need to be revised thereby customers can ready to access good quality of services with affordable prices (Buckingham, 2013). The quality of those daily soaps and serials is compatible with the film industry. It has emerged as one of the key factor which can minimize the profitability ratios of the cited sector. Television and film industry both are very prevalent and lucrative components of entertainment industry and currently television sector is more profitable as compare to other sector. The main reason behind the success of television is that it caters all the aspects which are important like it covers the international sports broadcast of the thrilling and heart-throbbing matches. Live football and cricket telecast along with the other sports creates positive results for the television and has generated huge market base in just short span of time (Wing, 2012). The broadcasting of world and local news has given platform to the society people to get information and to keep them updated.

According to O’Reilly and Kerrigen (2013) the most important aspect of television is that it is a most important place to float the information about the company’s product at very large scale. Due to this the viewers can remain in touch with the product of the company and can get the details. This is major reason that why it is getting full support from corporate and is widely accepted by the local residents (Buckingham, 2013). Most of the advertisements campaigns are successful due to the television and the companies have witnessed huge increase in their profitability. Therefore the significance of television can’t be neglected and film industry may face more challenges. But other authors who have done the research in same area have different opinion about television (O'Reilly and Kerrigan, 2013). They have sated possibly television is widely accepted and has generated huge challenges for the film industry. But psychologically this equation is not correct. The working of film industry is totally different than the television sector. movies comes on the regular basis but good and quality movies comes very often for that viewers wait for the longer period of time. Every viewer has its own taste which attracts him to watch the movie. for instance if any viewers is having interest in watching the drama movies so it is possible that in a year maximum 6 to 7 drama movies will release on box office. Thus it is clear that every individual can afford at least 5 drama movies in a year (Brunet and Gornostaeva, 2006).

However this calculation is just an approximation but overall idea represents the popularity and indicates that the scarcity of good movies could work in positive manner for film industry. They can get the advantage of this factor as they are fans of some celebrities and they are acting in that movie. The people who are interested in any genre and in any star then they will surely visit to watch that movie and if anyone is already not interested than they will not visit in any condition. This psychological theory set echo against the threats of television and states that it could be handled easily by the cited industry. It depicts that, industry can adopt effective way to promote movies (Hargreaves, 2011). In this regards, they can make use of serials and other program which are shown on local channels of country. With this, customers can be attracted towards movies that are going to release. It tends to increase sales turnover and meet expectations of buyers in an effectual manner. Above Hudson (2011) has noticed about the significant aspect of film industry which was increment in travel and tourism which is generally absent in television. As compare to film industry it is very rare that television industry point out at major places of any city or area and generates any type of contribution (Hudson, 2011). But on the contrary he has supported the fact that television has somewhere reduce the charm and excitement of film industry which he has witnessed in earlier times. In the list of proposed threats piracy is another factor which has treated as major threat for film industry. Piracy is so dangerous for film industry and it has minimized the profitability ratio of the films and monies. under the terms of piracy it is said that the movies of big banners comes out in the market before its release and sometimes its print got release when movie is already running its operations in multiplex (Oliveira, Silva, Guo and Hashimoto, 2011). Thus it is a biggest threat for film industry and they need to require taking proper steps in order to deal with such problems.

Movie and law experts have declared it is crime and legal implications could be imposed on them who are indulge in such kind of offensive activities. Other than that it is to acknowledge that due to piracy every year film industry faced a loss of millions of pounds which indirectly puts its impact on the national economy. Even the eminent researcher and laureate authors have stated that distributors and other mediators are the one who bears maximum loss as compare to any other person in film industry (Cherenack and van Pieterson, 2012). People are also accepting this as they tend to just watch movies rather than focusing on the medium which they have chosen. It is encouraging those persons who do the piracy and rising the illegal downloads. According to Phau and et. al., (2014) piracy must be controlled by the government as well. Even the UK government is also taking appropriate steps which could provide relief to the film industry and they can put control on this illegal system (Phau and et. al., 2014). The role of government must be important as due to piracy, there income through taxes on movies and other aspects is also going down and there revenues are also suppressing. They need to focus on planning the concrete policies which combat piracy and eradicate from UK film industry. Copyright act, infringement act, privacy prevention act these are some of the efforts which have been made by the government over the years and has put some sort of control on this illegal activity. However, threats available for film industry can be termed as opportunities wherein industry seek for future growth. It can be done with the help by expanding business in other segment like musical and plays (Pratt, 2011). Along with that effective prices will be set for the product and services that give higher level of satisfaction among workforce. Furthermore, expansion of film industry in other segment like music and film festival prove to be effective for long run. It is the effective way to attract local residents. With this, film industry can get various benefits such and positive attitude of customers, increased sales turnover as well as long run survival of business (O'Connor, Flanagan and Gilbert, 2010).

At last the factor which has gained huge priority in discussing the threats or challenges for film industry is internet. It is most controversial factor among the authors and experts. Some has seen it as a good factor and some think that it is responsible for the negative consequences for film industry. Internet has not created the threat directly but it has emerged as major source of entertainment (Borghini, Carù and Cova, 2010). Young age people have lots of options on the internet which can help them to entertain and enjoy without paying much. Other than this download facility through internet is another factor which is creating troubles for film industry. Piracy has become possible through internet only and it has helped it in growing with a rapid speed. But internet has some positive aspects too for the film industry. It provides information to the viewers and makes them aware with the upcoming movies. Trailers and promos of movies launched on internet and television first and work as a catalyst to increase the interest of viewers. The contribution of television and internet is not restricted to this only, both the means of communication work as mediator for film industry as both promote the movies in peculiar manner (Hopewell, Dvorak and Kosior, 2009).

According to Basáñez and Ingram (2013) apart from above three mentioned threats, the emergences of other entertainment factors are also needed to be considered here. Gaming consoles and the development of themes parks and other places which provide best and comfortable time pass opportunities also affect the business of film industry (Basáñez and Ingram, 2013). However the negative consequences are not so much but still have some impact at the industry. Film industry may face obstacles due to these factors as well. The development and innovation in mobile phones facilitate the viewers to watch the movies on phones so they can avoid visiting the cinema halls and waiting for the better print o that they can save their money and can watch the movie at home. Now days in market there are lots of games which come into existence every year and gain the attention of viewers. According to research it has been admitted by most of young age people that they prefer to spend their maximum time in gaming. But all the above points are treated as short term negative aspects for film industry. As the nature of film industry is different and still is considering as best technique for stress buster. Thus these are major threats and challenges for film industry which can grow in future and minimize the profitability for cited sector.

Porter’s five forces model:

In order to understand the threat for UK film industry the use of porter’s five forces could be more suitable and it can help in understand the level of threat for the industry. The diagrammatic representation of the porter’s five forces model is given below. It facilitates to adopt effective strategy in the organization and fight against in the competition in an effectual manner.

All the above mentioned elements can help in gaining the proper knowledge about the industry’s position and existing issues which could put its negative affect at the industry’s profitability. Further it could be said that it is best tool which is helpful in explaining the different factors related to the market situation and business environment. The detailed description of the components of porter five forces model, especially in the context of UK film industry, is given below:

Threats of new entrants: In this industry entry barrier is high. It is not very common industry and likewise other industries it is not possible for anyone to make or direct the movie and telecast it to any individual or to community. It demands special platform which is available at national level and to gain recognition it is essential to possess particular set of skills and talent (Grove, 2012). Further another factors which make this industry very much unexplored is that in order to establish in this industry there is requirement of having the proper technological advancement and studio which can help to make the movies or to done the editing process. It is comprehensibly understandable that there is requirement of having the very high capital which could be consider as positive factor for the cited industry. It depicts that existing players can effectively perform their business by adopting appropriate strategies on right. It leads to cater need of users and provide them good quality of services in an effectual manner (Keller, Parameswaran and Jacob, 2011). On the other hand, industry can be take advantage of core competencies and expand itself at the global place. It aid to increase overall rate of return and provide employment for the country to a great extent.

Bargaining power of buyers: The major considerable factor in this situation is that this industry enjoys the monopoly of enjoying the people at very large scale and there are large numbers of customer’s available for the market. The product and entertainment factor which this company provides to their customers is very unique and is not easily found in the market (Cherenack and van Pieterson, 2012). But here it could be arguable that UK film industry may lose distinctiveness from other industries and it could put adverse impact at the industry. Until it is related to capturing the market in entire UK it could be good or positive but at international level the cited industry may face lots of troubles and issues (Buckingham, 2013). Here the buyers may face lots of power and they can utilize it in well organized manner. Furthermore, bargaining power of buyer is moderate wherein customers are provide unique services in specified prices. However, the entertainment segment tends to levy high prices for the services that contribute affect customers to great extent. It can be critically evaluated that, residents of UK have comparatively good living standard wherein customers become ready to pay high for good quality of services (Connell and Meyer, 2010). It depicts that this industry can revise their prices structure in accordance with changes in external environment. It leads to reduce the impact on demand of services as demand is increasing with increasing population.

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Bargaining power of suppliers: suppliers are also not in high position when it comes to supply the product to this industry. However the suppliers can enjoy the benefits but at very low level. As this industry is very profitable and lucrative so the number of supplier is very high and it allows the industry to gain advantage of low concentration of suppliers as well. It depicts that, bargaining power of suppliers is low that do not have significant impact on productivity of film industry. Also, directors tend to build long term contract and good relation with suppliers that aid to give certainty about future business activities (Wang, 2010). However, because of changes in external environment forces suppliers to revise their pricing structure in order to survive in the market in that conditions film industry can face barriers. On the other hand, there are large numbers of buyers available thereby film industry can easily cope up with change and keep on generating high rate of return.

Intensity of existing rivalry: The size of UK film industry is very high and the level of rivalry is also very intense but as mentioned above that entry is barrier is so high thus it is another positive aspect for the cited industry. The growth rate of industry is also very good and their profits are increasing year on year. As compare to other industries UK film industry is having very low level of competitors which can affect their business and can capture major chunk of the market. UK film directors and actors like Rowan Atkinson, Jason Statham etc. they have made international reputation and support the local film industry. Furthermore, film industry of UK has relatively barriers on entry of firm but still the existing rivalry is high. Owing to this, corporations have to adopt effective strategies in order to meet expectations of customers and create competitive edge in the marketplace (Wadia, Alivisatos and Kammen, 2011.). Also, innovative ideas are taken or implemented during delivery of services thereby customers can be attracted towards the same. With this, it becomes very easy for corporation working in film industry to survive in the marketplace with greater profitability.

Threat of substitutes: product differentiation is also another factor which is equally responsible for providing the benefits to the cited industry. The entertainment substitutes, which could be treated as threat for the cited industry, are television sector and other theatres which can also have great impact at the entertainment sector (Williams, Nicholas and Rowlands, 2010). The local residents of UK admire such entertainment aspects and it could be treated as major threat for UK film industry. Thus this is a complete description of the Porter’s five forces model with respect to the UK film industry. In addition to this, with increasing span of time, threat of substitutes is also increasing for film industry. It is because other sectors entertainment sectors also gaining popularity thereby customers can switch to the same (Bingham, 2010). Owing to this, industry is making efforts to reduce the cost of services in order to increase customer attraction. Other than this, internet is the fast growing sector that creates barriers for the film industry. As the current population tend to prefer services which save their time as well as cost. In this regard, internet is the key sources that can meet need of customers in an effectual manner (Street, 2009). So it is the greatest threat of substitute that generates demand of introduction of innovative services in film industry.

Level of competition

Despite all the strong and strengthening factors the UK film industry has to focus on the level of competition which could be major problem for this sector in near future. The irony of this industry is that there no hardcore business strategy can help the sector. The only thing which can save this industry and can help them to attract the attention of customers or viewers is talent. Without fresh concepts and stories none of the director or producer can claim huge success and box office high revenues (Marx, 2013). There is requirement of using the innovation and real talent which must have the potential to represent at international level. Here innovations deal with the high standard of cinematography and mixing or editing techniques. Hollywood is major competitors for UK film industry. They have to learn various new techniques form them and needed to apply them in appropriate manner. In current scenario it won’t be wrong to say that the success of film industry is not only depending on the script writing and effective acting but also the use of high technology is also required. It is essential to make proper use of all the props and locations which can generate huge benefits for the film industry (Hotho and Champion, 2011).

Above the outside competition has been discussed but the management of internal competition is equally considerable here. Internal competition includes rivalry among the industry players i.e. the production houses. There are many production houses in the country – nearly 40 such companies, which produce movies and function in the industry. Size of UK film industry is very large, which means that there are lot many organizations which work in it and have a major contribution to national economy and performance of industry as a whole. There are a lot of barriers for entering the market, but very few to leave it. It is evident from the fact that the companies (production houses) have to arrange for a lot of resources such as manpower, financial, etc. The directors and eminent persons have to take care of that genuine persons must not be neglected by the film industry. They must receive the appropriate opportunities so that they can improve the level of UK film industry. The intense level of competition is beneficial for this industry. UK has become a centre of excellence for special effects and has attracted a lot of animated film makers. These have attracted a lot of film makers to the country and operate from here. It has been estimated that China will overtake UK in the coming years, as one of the prime film industries in world (Hudson and Tung, 2010). Further India is also registering their footsteps in international market and can challenge to the UK film industry. Furthermore, the level of competition is keep on increasing with increasing phase of population. It generate need of innovation in the technology as well as services that facilitate to speed up in the flow of production. On the basis of above discussion it has been found that, internet, television and DVDs are the major factors that are creating barriers growth of Film industry (Bolic, Simplot-Ryl and Stojmenovic, 2010). It depicts that company need to cope up with changing scenario that aid to deliver good quality of services to large number of buyers. Similarly, at this times most of customers like to watch online movies that decreases demand of film of industry to a great extent. On the other hand, other developing sectors such as sports, plays and musical are the key which increasing attention of customers. It creates barriers in the growth of the industry. Therefore these are the factors which can raise the standard of competitions for the cited sector.

Structure of film industry

The UK film industry is one of the largest film industries and released lots of movies per years. The structure of the UK film industry can be measured through their revenue and number of movies. Every year it employs lots of people and so many are dependent on this industry. It consists of various associations and groups who are working for the benefit of this industry and continuously putting their efforts to grow this industry (Hale, 2011). The UK film industry is having collaboration with US film industry and they are doing lots of projects with each another. It could be consider as biggest and lucrative pact for the industry people as they get international platform and can face international exposure. The learning can be improved through this and they can show their instinct to the international viewers. British film industry has considered a most prosperous and popular among all other industries in entire European Union. It is mainly governed by the UK film council and is allowing the local production houses to make movies in country. The main motive of council is to work for the benefit of UK film industry and it allows other countries production houses to shoot within the territory of UK (Hopewell, Dvorak and Kosior, 2009).

British film institute is another top institute which works for the benefit of associated people and to promote the local art and literature. It is formed with a view of developing the local film industry and supporting the activities of UK film council. BFI Southbank, formerly known as national film theatre and London IMAX cinema, also managed and controlled by British film institute. It comes under their roles and responsibilities to manage the working of other film and art bodies or associations. UK government has awarded complete power to these top bodies so that they can save the right of artists and performers and can avoid fraudulent activities. London film festival popular at international level is also organizes by the British film institute. The main objective of this festival is to promote the movies of different genres and get their overwhelming responses. Other than this the government and the experts of UK film industry are giving their full contribution to change the overall scenario of the industry and make it more popular among the international viewers (Ganti, 2012). Resource wise the cited sector is completely prosperous and has all the elements which could be useful for the training or apprenticeship purpose. The production houses and other technological advancement are also available in UK which is supportive for the UK film industry. The teams of directors, script writers, actors etc. are available in sufficient amount. Thus it is a complete structure of UK film industry which is quite capable of giving it right direction.

Impact of Film industry on society at whole

As discussed above that the film industry has huge impact at the society and affects their routine tasks and thought process as well. It could be considered as major strength of this industry. Before assessing the threats and challenges of this industry it is mandatory to go through various strength and strong points which provide them firm base. Every industry includes the various aspects like strength and weakness which are needed to be assessing in well structured manner. The major strength of film industry is that it caters the huge mass and can surely get the attention of all the mass people. According to (Grove, 2012) the major advantage of film industry is that it helps in disseminating the local art and culture which has been missed out form the market and is on the verge of losing its identity. It could be the major problem for any country that they can lose their local culture and the development in other sector is making the scenario worst. But film industry keep on taking care of this aspect as well and completely focus on this major aspect (Grove, 2012). The author has stated that the content and plot is not restricted in film industry it includes the film making on every area. The autobiography, novels, social messages, struggling life of any person, any industry and individual etc. all these aspects gain equal place in film industry while choosing the subject for the film making purpose. But other authors have seen it in different manner. They have stated that the film industry is not genuine now as they were earlier but now there main motive has been shifted to the profit motive. The sole purpose of any social message or the reality of any content tends as per the enjoyment of users. There is no reality and authenticity while filmmakers or directors make any movie. Thus it could be consider as negative aspect of film sector. But still it has major contribution in floating the good aspects of literature and art.

According to Street (2009) other than saving the local culture the cited industry has generating huge revenues for the local country. The UK film industry has been started to represent at international level and lots of countries are appreciating the local artists and their performances. It has provided them huge popularity and they are able to generate huge money for their movies (Street, 2009). Ultimately it all increases the collection and the government can gain their tax. The earning of government can rose at very large scale. The movies are capable of gaining the attention of international users and they all are generating profits for society. Other than this the standard of living is also increasing with the help of film industry. Most of the authors have presented their two ways; some has raised positive opinion and some has registered negative viewpoints. It is to acknowledge that may be film industry has make people educated about the current trend and fashion but somewhere it is responsible to increase the level of imbalanced life style which is worried situation for the society people (Hudson and Tung 2010). It is clearly declared that film industry has lots of aspects which has affected the children in negative manner and spread the high level of vulgarity in the society. In order to copy the life style of stars and celebrities they are spending lavishly and raising the level of inflation. Thus it exonerates that on the one hand this industry has biggest contribution in the local economy but indirectly it make the spending habits high as well.

The more worried situation is that the fake society is developing their roots and the children are inheriting wrong impressions due to film industry. These are the major drawbacks of film industry which are needed to be considered at very large scale. generation of employment is another factor which could also lie under the category of benefits of film industry. Here it is to acknowledge that the film industry has provided earning opportunities to various sections of the society and lots of people are associated with the cited industry in direct or indirect manner. There are lots of people who work as freelancers as well and provide lots of earning opportunities to the society people. Earlier this industry was very simple but now it is based on the wide use of technology. The film makers are taking the help of technology and for the same purpose the use of different engineering and science students is increasing which is generating huge level of employment in other areas. Here in current situation it will be essential to discuss that it has contributed to educational sector as well. Lots of educational institutes are providing education which can increase the skill and talent of the college students and help them to get job in film industry. Majorly the level of talent is required at every level. It is very much concern point for this industry that the level of talent must be high in order to compete at international level (Basáñez and Ingram, 2013). The international recognition is not restricted to any individual but it also provides fame and respect to the whole country as a unit.

But other authors and industry experts has seen it as a major problem. According to them the youngsters are very much entice to this industry and taking interest in becoming a part of this industry. It has generated huge inflow of employment seekers as compare to the requirements. On the other hand talent is another element which is needed to be inherited in one’s own personality trait. It has emerged as major problem for the society and could be consider as major problem. According to Blair, Grey and Randle (2001) the major element which is identity of film industry is entertainment and fulfilling the fun related requirements of local people. They should provide social message as it is most influenced source of communication and it must be done in very accurate manner. This industry is very expensive and has put extra expenses and burden on the society people. The local residents of the UK have to pay extra tax and need to buy expensive tickets to receive entertainment. The negative shades of film industry has also comes into the lights (Cherenack and van Pieterson, 2012). In recent past years this industry has been treated as one of the most struggling and muddy industry among the society people. According to Hudson (2011) increment in travel and tourism is another aspect which can’t be neglected while discussing the contribution of film industry towards the society. The shootings of films and movies explore the new areas and those movies got release at international platforms thus it automatically people outside people aware with the major tourist places of any area and again the same consequences like revenue generation and employment in tourism increases. Further it can also discuss that film industry is responsible for the high level of development as well as collaboration between different culture and societal development is very prevalent through medium of entertainment. It has power to bring down the foreign currency as other countries also visit to shoot their movies and they need to pay higher amounts (Jensen, 2012). Thus these are the major advantages and disadvantages of the film industry which are needed to discussed and have gained major priority.

Under this, UK film industry is putting efforts to covert the threats into opportunities that aid to ensure growth of economy to a great extent. By focusing on threat, management is adopting effective strategies to expand business at international level that gives certainty for future business activities (Hargreaves, 2011). Similarly, different programming are incorporated in the film industry such as sports, plays as well as musicals that aid to diversify risk. With this, it becomes very easy for company to compensate risk in the one segment from another segment. It assists management to cater need of different types of customers. In addition to this, grand awards are organized by the film industry such as film festivals. With this, industry can gain attraction of customers and they can be able to meet their expectations effectively (Borghini, Carù and Cova, 2010). Furthermore, classical and independent films can also be released thereby overall sales turnover can be enhanced to a great extent. It enables industry to cope up with changing scenario that leads to ensure growth of country effectively.

Chapter 3: Research Methodology


There are various ways of collecting the information or results and research is one of them. It is completely different than the other logical formats of grasping the knowledge. It won’t be wrong to say that it supports the theories or models which have been propounded by earlier scholars or authors or experts (Bell, 2010). According to various experts active in same field, research is a process which fosters the high level of awareness about the prevalent theories or models. There could be various types of reasons which can drive to conduct the research in any particular area or field.

The significance of research methodology is very immense in any research report as it helps in understanding the various trajectories which could be followed in any research report. There are various research tools and techniques which could be applied in any study. It could be defined as science as it helps in interpreting the results in very logical and systematic way. It is very complex process too and it is useful to investigate or state any new fact within the already established branch or knowledge. Now days the scope of research is very wide and it has contributed a lot in bringing the change by discovering new concepts or figures.

The uniqueness of any research is not restricted towards its contribution towards the society or finding any fact or problem or stating the reason to any problem but more than this research helps in generating the solutions or proposing the recommendations which can help to deal with stated problems in proper manner (Chapman, 2011). It is a biggest significance of research process that it involves the innovative strategies and plans which can enable a company or society people or any institutions or corporate body or associations to get rid of problems or challenges.

Here in this report also the entire set of consideration has been paid to assess the various factors which can have their possible impact at the film industry. UK film industry has been taken into special consideration in this report. The impact could be positive or negative with respect to growth of film industry. Further various strategies and plans have been proposed to overcome the challenges in appropriate way (Creswell, 2013). Overall this section will help in adopting the effective research methods so that it will generate high level of fruitful results for the film industry of UK.

Research Approach

Research approach could be defined as states of mind of any individual that what approach he has accepted to conduct the research. What is the reason which any researcher has referred while conducting the research, is also lie under the category of research approach. There are two type of research approaches first inductive approach and second is deductive approach (Heaton, 2012). Both these research approaches have their own expediencies and suitability. The selection of approach is completely based on the nature and objectives of the research.
Inductive research approach is something which floats from very specific terminologies or discussion to broad concepts or theories. It is to ascertain that in inductive approach the researcher tries to connect the dots on the basis of very specific aspects and on the basis of that specific findings try to develop some general theories which could be applied on whole society or to any group. On the contrary deductive research approach comes in to existence when the researcher has some general theory or concept and has willingness to test it on any particular situation. Here in this scenario the concentration has been paid on to the narrowing down the general theories into specific situations. In this report the researcher has used the deductive approach in order to get the desirable results. It is clear and general that there are always certain factors which may affect the growth of any industry but in this report special emphasize has been lain down on the identification of specific aspects or factors.

Research Philosophy

It is very clear that every research report involves the mindset of various intellectual persons and scholars. There contribution may be direct or indirect manner. None of the research can be completed through single efforts and view point of any single person. But still it’s researcher who is responsible to conduct the research as per his research objectives and aims. He can eliminate some theories or can include other models or concepts in order to get the desirable results. Whatever trajectory or thought process any researcher may adopt will be termed as research philosophy. The glimpse of personal aspects or opinions can be easily seen in any research. Research philosophy is very crucial element of the entire research process.

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Mainly it comprises of two types first Interpretivism and other one is positivism. When researcher has no scope to introduce any kind of change in the existing facts and figures and it is not possible to alter the facts and figures then this situation represents the positivism philosophy. It is majorly scientific in nature and remains the same under the different circumstances. Further it can be stated that positivism approach provides more reliable and authentic information as it is universally accepted (Merriam, 2009). On the other hand, Interpretivism research philosophy states the facts and figures which might be changed as per the change in circumstances or situations. It is highly dependent on the various other factors like environmental situations, societal or cultural changes etc. It is most suitable in the situations where the researcher has aim of developing the new theories or models. In this report Interpretivism research philosophy has been taken into special consideration. The dynamic factors are unstable in nature and they might have different types of impacts under different circumstances or situations.

Research type

Qualitative research or quantitative research these are two types of researches which are very prevalent and mostly practiced by researchers. Both these research types are different in nature and have different type of suitability. It is to acknowledge that every research relies on some data and information (Methods & Data Analysis, 2013). Both these research tools play a major role in deciding the further research trajectories. Quantitative research demands the applicability of statistical tools and techniques. Bar charts, graphs and numeric data are the major source of applying the quantitative research type. It helps in analyzing the data in accurate manner. It is more significant and effective as it includes the usage of analytical tools and techniques. The results are highly reliable and logical when quantitative research comes into existence. It is more complex in nature and it takes comparatively more time if data is very lengthy (Olsen, 2011).
Qualitative research types also possess different kind of peculiar characteristics and help in conducting the research in most appropriate manner. The major trait of qualitative research type is that it is theoretical in nature and it doesn’t include any sort of numerical or statistical tools. It comes into existence when researcher it is impossible for researcher to measure the data. For instance if researcher is supposed to identify the impact of training on employee motivation then in this scenario it is tough for them to measure the level of motivation in quantitative form thus in this scenario the qualitative research type will be appropriate. On the contrary if the objective is to analyze the impact of training and development on the profitability ratios of company then it could be easily measured through quantitative research type. In this report the qualitative research type has been taken into special consideration. It will help in getting the desirable results in very articulated manner.

Research Design

The pattern in which the report has been constructed refers to the research design. It is to acknowledge here that research design is very crucial element of any research report and it provide firm base to the research. There are generally two types of research design first is exploratory research design and other one is descriptive research design. Both these research terminologies have their own expediencies and suitability (Punch, 2009). In order to improve the level of quality it is essential for researcher to focus on selecting the appropriate research design. If researcher is failed to do so then it can put its adverse impact at the entire research process and the authenticity of research report could be under surveillance. Exploratory research design is something which includes the extensive use of secondary data and qualitative research type.

On the contrary descriptive research design is something in which the researcher used the analytical tools and it supports the quantitative research type (Punch, 2009). Here in this scenario the researcher has shown its faith on exploratory research design. With the help of exploratory research design the researcher will try to attain the research objectives.


The role of sampling is very immense in any research process. It provides clear meaning to the research report as it helps in collecting the data in appropriate manner. The major that why it is needed to give proper focus on the sampling procedure is that it supports the data and information. If the sample size which has been selected by the researcher is not capable of giving their accurate contribution then it will surely put its negative impact at the entire research process (Quantitative and Qualitative Evaluation Method, 2007). Likewise if any researcher is conducting the research about knowing the level of education within any country so their sample size must select the individuals who have some sort of knowledge regarding the growth and development of education sector. But if researcher has chosen the participants randomly then it will put its negative impact at the information and whole interpretation will go wrong. Thus sampling must gain must huge priority by the researcher and there is requirement of choosing the respondents in very painstaking manner.

In order to maintain the quality of research the researcher has to ensure that the sample size which is taking participation must be able to provide valuable information and they can contribute immensely in enhancing the value of research. There are two type of sampling first is probability sampling and other one is non probability sampling. Probability sampling is when the researcher chooses the sample size randomly and everyone has freedom to register their opinions. The respondents can belong to various fields but still they can provide relevant information. It is mainly used when the topic is related to social aspects or is very common in nature or not very specific. But non probability sampling comes into existence when the researcher is having specific requirements and they can’t entertain everyone to being a part of research process. In this type of sampling procedure the respondents must possess sufficient amount of knowledge so that they can create high level of useful information. They must fulfill the basic requirements of the researcher.

Here, in this report the entire set of consideration has been paid on non probability sampling techniques. For the same purpose, sampling has been used, where the respondents belongs to various employees associated with this industry. They can provide actual information about the film industry scenario. The sample size of 30 participants has been used in this report. In this regards, for the current research on analyzing the dynamic factors that impacts the film industry: A case study of UK, purposive sampling has been used. With this, participants have been interviewed by asking questions. It facilitates get detail information related to potential barriers that are being faced by film industry. It enables scholars to analyze the collected data in an effectual manner that aid to reach at the aim of the research (Cherenack and van Pieterson, 2012). Furthermore, structural interview process has been adopted that aid to analyze views of each respondents in an effectual manner. Other than this, the reason behind selection of purposive sampling is collection of specific information where scholar has clear aim. With this, 30 respondents are selected for the specific purpose in order to gather large amount of data.

Data collection method

After sampling procedure another research component which is significant here is data collection method. Data collection is a technique through the researcher gathers the data or information for the interpretation purpose. There are two types of data collection techniques one is primary data collection techniques and other one is secondary techniques. Primary data could be collected through questionnaires, interview process or through observation. Primary data is generally fresh or raw in nature and it comes into existence for the very first time (Srinivasan and et. al., 2012). It has more significant as it provides the new trends about the society or market. Further secondary sources of data collection are online content, newspapers, journals, previous studies or most importantly books etc. These secondary sources provide more accurate data and help in meeting out the research objectives. Here in this report the data has been collected through both primary and secondary sources of data. For the purpose of collecting the primary data the researcher has concentrated on face to face interview. It has helped him to gather the accurate and specific information about the various factors. Other than this the extensive use of secondary sources has been taken into consideration by researcher. While collecting primary data, questionnaire will be used that consists open ended questions. With this, respondents can be able to provide detail information to scholar that aid to fulfill objectives of dissertation in an effectual manner. Furthermore, the structural questionnaire helps to portray overall situation of film industry of UK that aid to draw valid conclusion for the study. In addition to this, with the help of open questionnaire facilitate to insight in-depth knowledge of present condition of film industry. Furthermore, this questionnaire proves to be effective to fulfill aim of the current study where pilot study has not been done. It is because data are directly collected through the personnel who are engaged with film industry.

Data analysis method

It is a center stage for which entire research process done in well organized manner. There is no meaning of collecting the data, analyzing the secondary sources and determining the sample size, setting out the aims and objectives if the element of data analysis is missed out from the entire research process (Suri and Clarke, 2009). Data analysis could be very simple or complex in nature. Research type has huge impact at the data analysis techniques. If research type is qualitative in nature then thematic analysis must undertake by the researcher and if research type is quantitative then there must be use of analytical and statically tools to interpret the data. Selecting the appropriate and suitable data analysis technique is essential for researcher. In this report the researcher has use the thematic analysis as the research type which has been used is qualitative. Here the analysis has been done by making various themes on the basis of interview process.

Research validity and reliability

It is a major aspect which must gained huge priority by the researcher and there is strong requirement of managing the reliability and validity of research. The validity of research can be maintained if the researcher has used the data which s current and not so old. It helps in generating the most contemporary information and trends can be set accordingly. The research helps the researcher to get international fame and recognition through their valuable findings and outcomes (Tracy, 2012). Further the reliability is another aspect which could be managed very easily through collecting the data by authentic and credible sources. It is to acknowledge that for the same purpose the researcher has ensures that the sampling must be done in proper manner because it is base of managing the reliability of research report. As mentioned above that if sampling is not done in effective manner then entire research process can be tumbled down and it can hamper the reliability of research. The respondents which have taken part in the research process are completely experienced and qualified personnel are who possess adequate knowledge about the subject matter. Thus it is one factor which justifies the reliability of the current research report.

On the ground of secondary sources the researcher has tried to ensure that there should not be any kind of unauthentic and unreliable data in the report. The online content which has been referred for the research process is valid and credible (Wodak and Meyer, 2009). Other than sampling and data collection, data analysis technique also corroborates the reliability and validity of research. Thematic analysis has been done as per the views and opinions of the respondents. Thus these all are the significant factors which support the reliability and validity of research.

Limitations of research

Every research process is complex in nature and it involves various types of challenges and complications. The intricacies of research process are very high and it is not easy to avoid the obstacles. Here in this report also the researcher has experienced lots of troubles and challenges. The major problem was related to the limitation of time. It is not easy to approach the high class people (Quantitative and Qualitative Evaluation Methods, 2007). The respondents which have been considered are high profile individuals and they were not having adequate time to face the interview. Thus it was not easy to convince them for giving the interview and register their opinions. In order to collect the authentic and complete information the researcher has visited the respondents in very frequent manner thus this process taken too much time and have been experienced as major problem. Further the list of issues again deals with the collection of data but this time it was related to the collection of secondary data. The content was not available on net and it was not easy to explore the data in well organized manner. Hence these are the main limitations which have been on the ground of data collection procedures. Apart from this lack of research process knowledge has also created troubles while conducting the research. Due to this issue the problem of sleeting the best research tools and methods, out of various alternatives, has been experienced at vary large scale (Methods & Data Analysis, 2013). At this juncture the major limitation which could not be neglected is related to the interpretation of data in well structured manner. Ahead lack of knowledge about the subject matter also hinders in completing the research. But still it is to acknowledge that sincere efforts have been put towards the eradication of all challenges and issues.

Ethical considerations

On the ground of ethical consideration, it is to acknowledge that none of the content is copied and the whole research is plagiarism free. It is biggest ethical factors which must be taken into special account. The data and information which has been used in this report is completely authentic and there is no such manipulation in the data. The information has been presented in real manner and there is no alteration in the data. Thus these are the major ethical factor which has gained huge priority by the researcher.

Chapter 4: Data analysis


In this section the researcher is committed to analysis the data which he has gathered from different sources and respondents. With the help of data analysis the researcher can conclude the results which could be positive for the society and results can be drawn very effectively. Further the effective articulation of this chapter helps in providing the meaning to report or study. Here also the researcher has paid special attention to the data analysis section and is giving special attention to the thematic analysis. Here in this report the researcher has made some themes on the basis of opinions registered by them.

Themes 1: In recent past there are huge transformations in the UK film industry

The collection of primary data depicts that, every industry has to undertake some changes which allow them to ensure their growth and development. Same wise in UK film industry there were various changes which enables them to focus on rapid growth and development. After the interview process it has been found that there are lots of changes which film industry has been observed in recent past. Some of the respondents stated that major changes which they have faced is related to technology and the pattern of film making is also completely different. It facilitates to boost productivity and increase number of customers to towards the industry. They also quoted that the role of technology especially in cameras and lightning or sound engineering is very immense and film industry have to embrace such kind of changes in order to improve the customer experiences. Furthermore, some of the respondents have explained in very articulated manner that with the help of technological changes it become easy to improve the film making process and it becomes more splendid for viewers. With this, film industry perform very well and increase overall rate of return.

Some of the participants said that major shift has been experienced from cinema to digital cinema, the introduction of 3D and more number of multiplex etc. These all are major changes which has been improved the customer experience. The number of cinema screens has also increased due to increment in population and increment in disposable income of people. It has become more centralized and more professionalism has been treated as major change by the interviewees. The introduction of distributors and film distribution association has also played a key role in disseminating the films all across the nation or world. Earlier it was considered as artistic profession but now days it has become moreover a business. It has become more costly whether it is related to film making or for customers who spend high amount for movie tickets.

As, technology has entered and transformed the huge industry so new kind of professions has also emerged into the film industry. Film programmer, film critic, production staff, editing personnel’s etc. they all could be consider as highly new and unique job profiles in film industry. On the basis of interview process more concentration on the marketing and promotions is something which has brought down huge changes in the film industry. Due to internet, television the concept like promos, trailers etc. become so popular and prevalent. The film producers or production houses are getting the privilege of this factor at very large scale. In addition to this, most of the respondents stated that extensive marketing and promotions has become the part of film industry. It makes people aware in advance and make them curious about the movie. Other than technological changes, the content or literature which has become base for the movie making has been changed. It is to ascertain that with the help of new literature and books the film makers are constructing the movies. International collaboration between two countries production house is also bringing lots of changes on the ground of literature selection and movie making style. Therefore, these are certain changes which have been observed over the years in film industry

Theme 2: There are various threats for the UK film industry

The collection of primary data depicts that, some of the respondents stated that none of the industry is free from various kinds of threats and unpredictable events. It is to acknowledge that due to such threats the industry can lack their competitive advantage and it can put its huge impact at the profitability ratios of the industry. Some of the respondents stated that the major threat for film industry is the growing market of television as cited by interviewees. Due to increased ratio of television most of the viewers are moving towards the television and they prefer it as their major source of entertainment. The major success factor for film industry is that it is highly beneficial for the entertainment purpose and it is considered as highly for the time pass purpose. But now television has provided new platform to them. Further with respect to producers or production houses they are also showing their reverence to the television platform and due to huge level struggle in the film industry.

Some of the participants stated that they have seen lots of people who switch to small screen due to their bad fate in big screen. With this, management of film industry face barriers while meeting expectations of customers. Thus it is also one of the major factor which helps in the growth of television industry. It is because industry take several step in order to bring change sin the present workplace. It has got more talent and people are showing huge level interest towards serials and daily episodes. Furthermore, few respondents explained that another threat is high level of taxes which can put its impact at the film industry. The operational cost in the film industry is very high and it increases the cost for industry people. This in turn, management have to put high price on services that may decrease demand of services. Ahead the discussion of piracy is also required at this stage. It is to ascertain that piracy has become one of the biggest threats for the film industry and cause huge loss every year. The interviewees have said that piracy is crime and it should be banned by taking concrete legal actions. The list of entertainment elements and substitute for entertainment is not only restricted towards the television only. It criteria has been increased a lot and people have got variety of options where they can enjoy and spend quality time with their family. Some of the participants argued that after the development of theme parks and other amusements parks the film industry has gained threat from such kind of new entertainment developments. Particularly in the context of UK film industry the major threat is other film industries spreading all part of the globe. They have to provide quality cinema to the people so that they can show their interest and collections can be high for UK movies.
According to response of some participants the threats could be segregated into three parts first is internet, second television and last one is piracy. There is requirement of making proper strategies to deal with these factors. It can be critically evaluated that the description that film industry has different market and their popularity is impossible to be affected through different sources of entertainment. It is clear that common people like to watch movies instantly rather than watching them on internet or television. Further, participants argued that movies have created different impact at the mindset of customers which is impossible to be eradicated. Television has their different category of market and customers which satisfied need of some people who cannot afford to watch movie at theater. They generally don’t hamper the business of film industry as it is quiet flexible to make schedule for the movies. During the time of any special event like FIFA world cup where people are highly enthusiastic about this games the scenario can be changed. But still the possibilities are very nominal to get affected on the ground of customer acquisition. Thus these are the main threats which have been mentioned by interviewees and film industry has to make proper plan with regards to deal with such threatening aspects.

Theme 3: Film industry has delivered lots of positive aspects to society

The collection of primary and secondary data depicts that it is required to assess that cited industry has lots of benefits and advantages which they have delivered to the society people. The major factor is related to the employment generation and providing the earning opportunities. It is very clear that there are lots of people who are directly or indirectly associated with the film industry. It could be treated as positive aspect as employment generation is something which provides support to the whole economy. Most of the respondents stated that emplacement is the most strongest aspect which contribute towards economic growth. It enables industry to contribute huge part towards economic growth of country. There is wide scope into this industry and it is moreover helping in improving the life style of people by providing them new type of working opportunities. It aid to change their mind set and they can be ale to seek their future growth with the help of leaning. Furthermore, participants have mentioned in interview process that with the help of this factor it has become easy to disseminate the local culture at international platform. Therefore it is one of the significant elements which are also very much helpful with a view of increasing the reputation at global level.

Some of the respondents stated that cinema help in two ways firstly it is considered as high level entertainment factor and stress buster technique. Secondly it is one of the major sources which can help in gaining the learning on different aspects. Educating the people with regards to the different aspects of life is very common scenario of film industry. With this, people get good exposure by which they can be able to enhance their leaning aspect. It is because different types of movies are released which target to all type of users such as children, youth and professionals. Thus, these are two major delivery factors of film industry which could be consider as highly beneficial for the society. But more than this the promotion of art and culture has been discussed by the respondents. After the interview process it has been found that due to new type of cinema and globalization the local culture and societal values has been crippled so it is essential to find out one medium which can help in saving the culture of UK. It can also be said that, film industry is providing positive feedback to overall society in term of learning as well as other aspect. It facilitates to create senses of belongingness.

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The subject selection within the film industry is very unique. According to the respondents they have provided complete intellect with regards to different type of cinema. Furthermore, some of the respondents argued that there is different type of cinema which is common in UK film industry wherein basically the documentary film makers have huge interest in covering the social topics and general societal aspects which help in increasing the knowledge level of common people. It can be critically evaluated by them that this sector is neglected and didn’t gain the actual platform. It generate need of development which also prove to be effective for film industry to expand its business at globe marketplace. Further, participants stated that it is not very much popular among the common people and there is huge requirement of promoting such filmmakers. With this help of promotion it would be convenient for industry to increase overall rate of return and generate positive attitude of customers towards the cited industry.

As mentioned above that the role of this industry in employment generation is very huge so it is very clear that it helps in the increment in disposable income as well. Further the living standard of people will have been improved through film industry. It has also been found that film industry has its impact at fashion industry and apparels industry as well. With this, customers can be motivated towards taking purchase decisions via different online businesses. These industries take the help of film stars to promote their apparels and brands. At this stage, employees stated that, film industry is also helpful for other companies which provides clothing and other related products such as cosmetics. In movies or films their logos can be seen at very large level. So in making people more brand conscious and fashionable the role of film industry is very huge. With respect to the growth of film industry it is very much clear that the rapid growth of fashion industry has been ensured.

In addition to this, many of the respondents provides review that film industry has been increased a lot and their revenue generation capacity is also very much immense. The industry’s contribution in the GDP is huge and it contributes in different ways. Similarly, many of the respondents describe that they always need some locations and destinations which must be appealing with a view of gaining the attention of customers. Other than this other country’s production houses and film makers also come into the territory of UK so it creates revenue in the form of tax. Further local people and restaurants also yield indirect earnings through such kind of film making tourism. Apart from this as mentioned by interviewees that the scope of film industry is increasing a lot so in order to increase the talented and skilled people there are lots of universities which provides courses related to film industry. In these courses the colleges cover all the aspects related to film study and provide complete knowledge about acting and direction course. Further more technical courses like editing, cutting, production, cinematography, sound engineering etc. have also commenced by the educational institutions which are also quiet a positive step by universities. Due to this factor the competency of common people are increasing widely. Hence with the help of above discussion it can be easily declare that film industry is contributing a lot towards the society.

Theme 4: Other than above mentioned benefits there are various negative aspects of film industry

The interviewees have presented very effective description of the negative aspects of film industry. It is to acknowledge that due to film industry people has become very much concern for their benefits and different type of living style. The major disadvantage of film industry is that it is very much attractive and young age people want to be a part of such industry so that they can enjoy fame and love which actual stars are receiving. Due to this factor most of the young age people end up their life in just struggling phases. They don’t understand their real potential and capabilities as per the nature of film industry and try endless time to become part of this flamboyant industry. Further it is also very much clear that due to tourism the pitfalls of people within the country increases and it creates the major problem related to pollution and environmental issues. It is major aspects which has put its negative aspects at the society.

Ahead the major factor which can’t be neglected at this juncture that it is responsible for most of the crimes and changing life style of people. On the basis of responses of that film makers, it has been observed that actions scenes and crime scenes just to make people aware about the their social security but young age people took it as a wrong manner and it put negative impact at their mindset. Further, it is also clear that this industry has very low reputation among the common people due to negative aspects into this industry. Therefore these are certain major aspects of the film industry which are needed to deal in effective manner. Owing to this, different efforts need to be put by the management thereby industry can be able to generate positive attitude among people. Some of the participants responded that film industry is working effectively and it has chances to grow in near future in several other segments like musical, plays etc. it leads to generate huge employment and tend to meet expectations of large number of buyers. However, it increase cost of the firm which becomes difficult to increase the revenue for particular span of time. On the other hand, most of the employees stated that now a days most of the audience prefer to watch movies even before their graduation. It distract them from their studies. It is the common barriers for which some people have negative attitude towards the film industry. On the other hand, participants replied that, due to increasing competition, film industry may becomes costly deal for customers which in turn increase expenditure of the country.

Further, some of respondents stated that, film industry is bringing various types of innovation that generate negative aspect tin the mind of narrow minded people. It is because they consider that, film industry changes sentiments and thinking of individual thereby they start to react tin different manner. On the other hand, some of the respondents argued that, it totally depend on individual's perception that how they consider a movie. It is because film industry generally deliver good message for society and also increase sense of belongingness among them.

Theme 5: There are various challenges for the UK film industry

The collection of primary data provide evidence that on the ground of challenges it is to ascertain that UK film industry is highly fruitful and growing industry. There are various artists that have collected appreciation at world level and has special place among common people. In this regards, participants replied that the major challenge is related to deal with those people who don’t like the film industry and find it to time wastage activity. Further they stated that due to this factor it has been faced that this kind of criticism creates problems for the associated people. It is because consumer behavior is highly influenced by others and it tend to change their mind set in very less time. Also some of professionals/ employees who are dealing within the film industry have experienced such kind of problem but now the scenario is changing and people show some respect towards film industry and take it in serious manner. This has been made possible with the help of active efforts by the management of film industry wherein they delivered social messages through different types of movies.

Other than this, participants argued that the lower level of talent and artistic people is also one of the major challenges which could be experienced by film industry. The common people don’t have access to all the resources and they generally didn’t found proper way to learn all the skills and talent. So, lack of experienced and talented people is one of the major factors which are required to be addressed in proper manner. Due to this, industry cannot be able to cope up with changing scenario and after a certain time people tend to avoid access of such type of services. Increment in recession and economic turn down is also major issue for the film industry. The people got switched to other source of medium or they prefer to watch very specific movies also. Because of recession they cannot afford such type of entertainment services and they like to access similar kind of services in affordable prices. With this, demand of film industry decreases to a great extent thereby cited industry have to suffer from huge losses. In this case the film industry can face the fewer pitfalls in multiplexes. It can result in low level of box office collection and entire structure of film industry can suffer the loss. However here in film industry they never face loss industry but still at the time of recession it is not easy to gather people in multiplexes. In the scenario of distribution the movies outside the territory of UK the film industry may face the challenge related to currency exchange or following their terms and conditions. Sometimes this situation leads towards the high level problem for the film makers or for producers.

At the same juncture the discussion of financial issues is also required. The film makers prefer to be associated with such kind of destinations which can put positive impact at the mindset of common people but in that process they have to take permissions or need to pay higher amounts. It is very common scenario that people charge high amount for the shooting purpose. Selecting the expensive locations always increases the cost of operations which is required to be managed appropriately. Owing to this, some of the respondents argued that, due to financial constraint many of the firm in the film industry cannot be able to cope up with changes. It results in increasing cost of production thereby customers are offered services in higher prices. This in turn, decreases demand of services. Similarly, some of the participants contradict on the same that if financial challenges can be resolved effectively then greater results can be generated. Ahead the role of technology is also required to be managed in effective manner. It is clear that technological changes are very frequent and unpredictable. Due to this it can create troubles in making the alignment with the uniqueness and innovation. With the help of technological innovation the film industry can improve the customer experience and the definition of entertainment can be changed. Therefore in this way it could become major challenge for the film industry.

Theme 6: UK film associations are putting their efforts to promote their film industry

The collection of primary data depicts that, UK film industry associations are giving whole concentration on promoting the films and movies on international platform. In this regards several types of developments are taking place in the industry where main emphasis has been laid on infrastructure. It has also been found during the interview process that the collaborations at international level are taking place and the already existing film makers are getting privilege of that factor. Hollywood is one of the major collaborators with the UK film industry and it provides international accreditation to the UK film industry. Likewise, some of respondents stated that it is also clear that to make better relationship with other country’s film industries there is proper arrangement for awards ceremonies which have international presence and reputations. With this, industry or corporation working in the same tend to come together that ease to provide better quality of services to customers. The most prestigious awards in film industry at global level is given by UK film associations i.e. BAFTA. This factor allows them to send their movies in other awards functions and in maintaining the healthy relationship with them. Ahead the major step which has been taken by UK film industry is that they have make collaboration with Asian film industry as well. It also widens their scope and helps them to increase their reach and improve their cinema.

Apart from these industrial improvement and growth efforts the British film association has made some efforts with regards to improve the competency level of people. It helps them in acquiring the more number of talent and work with full efficiency. It controls the London IMAX cinema and BFI Southbank also. Further it organizes the London Film Festival which is internationally known for its flamboyancy and celebrity attendance. In this festival the British Film Institute not only promotes the commercial movies but also give special consideration to the movies based on social aspects and other subjects. Thus in this way it encourages people to get indulge into this industry and support the UK’s film industry. The most remarkable job done by UK film council is related to the introduction of technological advancement. They brought down the technically developed infrastructure and support financially to film makers to adopt rapid changes in technical sector. Due to this the continuous improvement takes place and UK film council plays their part in appropriate manner. Thus these are certain efforts made by UK film associations, on the ground of financial and technological aspects, to develop their sector at international level.

Theme 7: The level of competition is very high for UK film industry

The interaction with respondents, provide evidence that other than substitute products the level of competition is also very high for the UK film industry. Due to globalization, where every country is collaborating, the viewers have vast scope for themselves and they can definitely develop their different taste on the ground of cinema. In this regards, some of the respondents argued that through internet the young age people have access to new movies made in other part of the world. As most the customers tend to prefer internet as the most effective sources to watch movie with affordable prices. Similarly, some of the participants stated that it is clear that Hollywood and other cinema cause high level competition for the UK film industry. But out of all these the major competition is US film industry or Hollywood. The level of movies and budget is also very wide of Hollywood movies. They are highly advanced with respect to technology and their production equipments are also very much advanced. The stars and celebrities get international accreditations and are highly admired by common people all around the world. Furthermore, participants replied that, in Asian market Chinese film industry is fastest growing movie industry which is highly prestigious and reputed among the international viewers. The collection of Chinese movies is collectively high and it gives strong competition to the UK film industry. Therefore, film industry of UK need to adopt effective strategy in order to create competitive edge in the marketplace that aid to retain customers for longer span of time.

Likewise, interviewees mentioned that in the cited industry the major competition which film makers or other associated professionals receive is from them only. Owing to this, they need to sharpen their skills in accordance with changing scenario that aid to meet expectations of customers in an effectual manner. It has positive impact on sales turnover of film industry. They have to have such intellect and freshness which enable them to provide something new every time. Uniqueness in concepts and movie making style is required then only the customer will show their interest and enthusiasm. Inheriting the artistic attitude is required at very large scale. Other than this the statistics suggest that internal competition is also required to be handled in painstaking manner. Currently in UK there are generally 40 production houses which made movies. It also creates the competitiveness and moreover the industry can improve their skills and talents. Therefore in this way the level of competition is very high for the cited industry or sector.

There is huge potential of future growth for the UK film industry

There is no doubt that film industry can never be in loss and there is no negative impact of the environmental factors at very large scale. But still the interviewees have seen it as a fastest growing and one of the lucrative industries due to its nature. It is to ascertain that in future this industry can grow at very rapid speed. Many of the participants asserted that, more professional job profiles can be entertained as the technology is changing very rapidly. As the government is keeping pace with industry in order to grow this sector to a great extent. Also, proper learning exposure is provided for actors and actoress by which any one can convert their dreams into reality. Further it is also clear that in future more talent can be acquired as the people are preparing them for the future challenges and they are learning hard to enter into this industry. Participants also stated positively that the future can be secured and more profitable if technology will be improved and new equipments will be in practice. However, it is crucial that, industry must involved highly skilled employees who can be able to make updation at workplace with immediate impact. Through this the production pattern can be improved and most importantly the industry can respond to change very easily. The major potential is related to the selection of content or subject which is very much beneficial for the improvement in storyline and making the cinema more entertaining and learning. Thus these are the future growth potentials for film industry. In addition to this, by adopting technology on right time, management can be able to speed up in the flow of production that aid to meet requirement of customers in an effectual manner. In proves to be effective to generate more employment. On the other hand, increasing phase of learning aid to sharpen skills of employees working cited industry.

Many of the respondents stated in favor of growth of film industry because of all kind of support is provided to the same. They stated that government is also making efforts to enhance this segment with the help of proper training facilities for youth segment. Further, they also explained that, film industry is never going to down as the people are motivating towards their changing life style wherein youth segment plays crucial role. It has also been observed that specially youth segment like to move out for movie and they give preference to high quality of services. It is is the biggest advantage for industry which aid to increase sales turnover and ensure future growth and success of cited industry. In addition to this, there are several areas where industry has expanded itself such as plays, musical etc. With this, future growth can be determined. Similarly, most of the respondents explained that future growth can be determined by the further development in infrastructure.


After the analysis section it can be declared that the objectives of the report have been met in very comprehensible manner. The foremost objective of the report was to understand the various challenges for the UK Film industry. This study has shed proper light on the factors that could be treated as major challenges for the cited industry. It is to ascertain television industry and other entertainment options are major challenges for the film industry. Further after the analysis section it can be stated that internet and piracy these are two other factors which can also put its negative impact at the film profitability of film industry. Next objective was related to understand the structure of UK film industry. It has also accomplished through preparing this report. BFI and other premier institute are providing their immense contribution in the promotion of UK film industry and helping the industry in ensuring their growth. Thus in this way the objectives of this study has been achieved in very articulated manner.

The aforementioned data analysis chapter focuses that film industry has several scope for its future growth thereby development of whole country can be ensured in an effectual manner. It has been found that, at present number of employees are employed in the cited industry that contribute towards overall growth of country. Further, there are several kind if changes take placed in the this industry which generate need of modification sin the present work environment. In case company does not modify itself in accordance with current change then overall productivity go down. On the other hand, changes in the external environment are also the forces that drive changes in the industry. Owing to this, management have to make use of effective strategies that aid to create competitive edge of the firm. In addition to this, there are several types of positive changes such as increasing living standard. It leads to motivate individual to access good quality of services that aid to enhance their learning. Other than this, film industry deliver various types of social messages for general communities. It serves as the imperative way to promote industry in the marketplace. On the contrary, it has also been found that, because of increasing trend of film industry, most of the people are having negative impact on society. It is because youth spent high time on leisure which affect their studies and future growth to a great extent. It has also been found that, there are several types of competitors are there which create high competition in the marketplace. In addition to this, film industry have different areas to expand its business thereby corporation can be able to meet demand of customers in an effectual manner.

Chapter 5: Conclusion and Recommendations

With the help of above study it can be concluded that film industry is one of the dynamic industry which influences the society at very large scale. The above report provides clear comparison between the negative and positive aspects of film industry. The entire study is completely based on the UK film industry. A systematic review of interview process helps in gaining the understanding about the various aspects of film industry. The major benefit of film industry which has been identified into this report is its contribution in the country’s economy. It has provided lots of employment opportunities and most importantly the people are able to develop their living standard as well. Due to huge revenue generation capacity the film industry is one of the highest contributors in the nation’s economy. It is to acknowledge that it helps in the dissemination of local art and culture as well.

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The current dissertation concludes that film industry helps in preserving the local culture and through film making process the local film makers can create an outline of UK’s culture. With this, social issues and descrimination that are taking place in society are critiqued with effective formation of movies. It aid to educate so they can be able to manage their affairs in an effectual manner. It can also be concluded that in today’s era the cinema can be distributed into two parts first is commercial cinema and other one is drama or theatres which focus on the pure art. The motives of both the cinema is completely different and their contributions are also differing than each another. It can be said after the thorough analysis that commercial cinema is more prevalent and common in nature. People like it very much so film industry avoids the traditional cinema or the use of documentary is also very less.

It can also be concluded that this industry has strong power to communicate any message towards the society along with the protection of literature and art. With this, several types of development can take place which protect right of all people of society. On the ground of negative factor it has been found that due to film industry the young age people are learning wrong aspects and they are becoming more lavish and lazy. Film industry is moreover is based on fantasies and fake world or stories which entices the young age students and this sham affects their growth and development process. Their life style in increasing completely and lavish expenses patterns are taking place. Further, this industry is beneficial for other industries as well. Mainly the tourism sector and hospitality sector is gaining the huge benefits out of it. But the major industry which has got the privilege of huge growth is fashion and apparels industry. With the help of interview process it became clear that generally film maker promote the hotels and restaurants in their movie which is helpful with a view of creating brand awareness. It helps the hospitality industry to increase the pitfalls of customers and their sales volume also got increased.

Reflective or personal development plan

The major learning of this report could be segregated into two factors; first one is knowledge related to research and other one could be related to the subject knowledge. It is to acknowledge that on the ground of research knowledge I have developed my skills at very large scale. Earlier it was very tough to make alignment with the research practices and techniques. But after this research process it has become easier for me to apply various methods into research report. I have developed the skills to deal with intrigued research trajectories and most importantly the terminologies are very much clear to me. Being a novice it was very tough to understand the relevancy of various research methods as per the nature of report or subject knowledge. But now it is clear for me to establish positive relationship between the selection of research methods and subject matter. Further I can declare that now after constructing this research report I am familiar with the different stages of entire research process. It has helped me to develop my understanding and I can complete the report in future. On the top it is to ascertain that I have gained proper knowledge about the framing of aims and objectives which is very significant element of research process. Therefore these are the main research related knowledge which I have discovered while preparing the report.

Other than this the major learning which I have developed is related to understand the basic environmental aspects with respect to film industry. It was quiet amazing experience to study on such industry which has been treated by me as an entertainment source. As the subject matter was related to film industry so it was very interesting to explore about this sector. I gained knowledge with respect to its contributions to the society and most importantly the benefits of film industry also become clear to me. Thus these are certain factors which could be treated as major learning aspects for me which not only ensures my academic development but also help me to focus on my professional development.

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